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Back to School: Morning Maddess Edition

Writer's picture: Monica L.Monica L.

Now that school is back in session parents can use all the help they can get. Morning times can be brutal trying to round up the kiddos and trying to get out the door. Check out the apps below that might provide some assistance. Also, for those booklover's out there we found an app that will not only help with finding your favorites but will save you some money.

Mornings can be a hectic time. Getting ready for work. Getting the kids prepped for school. So, what if – at least when it came to making sure your kids make it to the bus on time – you could remove some of that stress? No longer do your children have to wait in the dark, freezing temperatures, pouring rain or hot sun. With Here Comes the Bus parents will know when their child’s bus is arriving, reducing the time their children spend standing by the side of the road. Download for FREE.

*App only works with participating school systems

ThriftBooks FREE app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details and buy millions of books, textbooks and graphic novels. You can also join ReadingRewards to earn a FREE book for every 500 points you earn.

Successful mornings start from waking up completely and reducing wasted time lying in bed. Alarmy is the highest-rated alarm clock apps in the world. It provides more than 700 sounds consisting of Nature, ASMR, White Noise, Meditation, Stories and other calm music. Alarmy will make your "Body and Brain" wake up with different missions that will get you going. Download for FREE.


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